How to Download APK Files from Google Play to PC
Have you ever wanted to download an app or game from Google Play Store but couldn't because of compatibility issues, storage limitations, or other reasons? If so, you may be interested in downloading the APK file of the app or game instead. APK stands for Android Package Kit, and it is the file format that Android uses to distribute and install apps. By downloading the APK file, you can install the app or game on your PC or Android device without going through the Google Play Store.
However, downloading APK files from Google Play to PC is not as straightforward as it sounds. You will need some tools and techniques to do it successfully. In this article, we will show you three methods to download APK files from Google Play to PC, as well as the benefits and risks of doing so.
download apk from google play to pc
Method 1: Using Bluestacks
One of the easiest ways to download APK files from Google Play to PC is by using an Android emulator called Bluestacks. Bluestacks is a software that allows you to run Android apps and games on your PC, just like you would on your phone or tablet. You can access the Google Play Store and download, install, and play any app or game you want.
How to download and install Bluestacks on your PC
To use Bluestacks, you will need to download and install it on your PC first. Here are the steps:
Go to and click the Download button for either Bluestacks 5 or Bluestacks 10. Both versions allow you to download Google Play apps, but they have some differences. Bluestacks 5 is the standard version that lets you run apps offline, but it requires good hardware. Bluestacks 10 is a cloud-based version that lets you run apps online, but it requires a fast internet connection.
Double-click the .EXE file you downloaded and click Yes to run the installer.
Click Install now and follow the on-screen instructions.
Once installed, open Bluestacks from the Start menu.
How to download and install apps from Google Play using Bluestacks
Once you have Bluestacks running on your PC, you can download and install apps from Google Play using these steps:
Click the Google Play Store icon on the Home page of Bluestacks. It's a multicolored triangle icon. If you are not on the Home page, click the house icon in the upper-left corner.
Log in to your Google account using your username and password. This is required to access the Google Play Store.
Search for the app or game you want to download in the Search bar at the top of the screen. Once you find it, click its name to open its details page.
Click INSTALL. It's a green button in the upper-right side of the page. Your app or game will begin downloading onto Bluestacks' "My Apps" tab. If asked to allow the app or game to access your device's features, click ACCEPT.
Wait for the app or game to finish downloading and installing. You can see the progress on the notification bar at the bottom of the screen. Once done, you can open the app or game by clicking OPEN on its details page, or by clicking its icon on the "My Apps" tab.
How to install APK files using Bluestacks
If you already have an APK file of the app or game you want to install, you can also use Bluestacks to install it on your PC. Here's how:
How to download Google Play Store apps on your Windows PC
Easy ways to download an APK file from the Google Play Store
How to directly download APK from Google Play Store on PC & Android
How to install and run Android apps from the Google Play Store on a Windows PC
How to use Bluestacks to download and play Android apps on your PC
How to use a Google Chrome extension to download APK files from the Google Play Store
How to try Google Play Games (Beta) for Windows to access Android games on your PC
How to download and extract APK files for Google Play apps on your Android phone or tablet
How to use Evozi's APK Downloader to save APK files from Play Store URLs
How to use APK Downloader: [text](^5^) to get APK files from the Google Play Store
How to download and install APK files on your PC using an Android emulator
How to use Raccoon: [text] to download APK files from the Google Play Store on your computer
How to use ApkPure: [text] to download region locked or unavailable apps from the Google Play Store
How to use ApkMirror: [text] to download free and safe APK files for popular apps and games
How to use ApkMonk: [text] to download older versions of apps from the Google Play Store
How to use ApkPlz: [text] to download modded or hacked APK files for Android apps and games
How to use ApkCombo: [text] to download multiple APK files at once from the Google Play Store
How to use ApkOnline: [text] to run Android apps online without downloading them
How to use Apk-DL: [text] to download APK files directly from Google servers
How to use Yalp Store: [text] to download apps from the Google Play Store without a Google account
How to use Aurora Store: [text] to access the Google Play Store anonymously and securely
How to use Aptoide: [text] to download apps that are not available in the Google Play Store
How to use F-Droid: [text] to download free and open source Android apps
How to use Uptodown: [text] to download APK files for any app or game on Android
How to use AppBrain: [text] to discover new and trending apps in the Google Play Store
How to backup and restore your Android apps using Helium: [text]
How to sideload APK files on your Android device using a USB cable or a file manager app
How to enable unknown sources on your Android device to install APK files from outside the Google Play Store
How to scan APK files for viruses and malware before installing them on your device or PC
How to update your installed APK files manually or automatically using a third-party app store or downloader
How to uninstall unwanted or unused APK files from your device or PC
How to manage your APK files using a dedicated app manager or explorer app
How to extract or edit APK files using an APK tool or editor app
How to convert APK files into other formats such as ZIP, EXE, JAR, or BAR
How to create your own APK files using an app builder or maker app
How to sign or verify your APK files using an APK signer or verifier app
How to optimize or compress your APK files using an APK optimizer or compressor app
How to split or merge your APK files using an APK splitter or merger app
How to clone or duplicate your APK files using an APK cloner or duplicator app
How to modify or customize your APK files using an APK modder or customizer app
Locate the APK file on your PC. You can use File Explorer to find it.
Right-click the APK file and select Open with Bluestacks APK Installer. This will launch Bluestacks and install the APK file automatically.
Wait for the installation to complete. You can see the progress on the notification bar at the bottom of the screen. Once done, you can open the app or game by clicking its icon on the "My Apps" tab.
Method 2: Using APK Downloader Websites
Another way to download APK files from Google Play to PC is by using APK downloader websites. These are websites that allow you to generate a download link for any app or game from Google Play by simply entering its URL. You can then save the APK file on your PC or transfer it to your Android device.
How to find and copy the app's Google Play URL
To use an APK downloader website, you will need to find and copy the app's Google Play URL first. Here are the steps:
Go to on your web browser.
Search for the app or game you want to download in the Search bar at the top of the page. Once you find it, click its name to open its details page.
Copy the URL of the app's details page from your browser's address bar. It should look something like this: The part after ?id= is the app's package name, which is unique for each app.
How to paste the URL and generate the download link using Evozi or other websites
Once you have copied the app's Google Play URL, you can paste it into an APK downloader website and generate a download link. There are many APK downloader websites available, but one of the most popular ones is Evozi. Here's how to use it:
Go to on your web browser.
Paste the app's Google Play URL into the box under "Package name or Google Play URL". Click Generate Download Link.
Wait for a few seconds while Evozi fetches and extracts the APK file from Google Play. Once done, you will see a green button that says Click here to download [app name] now.
Click the green button to save the APK file on your PC. You can also scan the QR code or copy and paste the download link to your Android device.
You can use other APK downloader websites as well, such as APKPure, APKMirror, or APKCombo. They have similar steps and features as Evozi, but they may have different layouts and designs.
How to save and install the APK file on your PC or Android device
Once you have downloaded the APK file from an APK downloader website, you can save it on your PC or transfer it to your Android device. Here are some tips on how to do that:
If you want to save the APK file on your PC, you can simply choose a folder and name for the file when you download it. You can also use a file manager program to organize and manage your APK files.
If you want to transfer the APK file to your Android device, you can use a USB cable, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cloud storage service. You will need to enable the option to install apps from unknown sources on your device settings before you can install the APK file. To do that, go to Settings > Security > Unknown sources and toggle it on.
If you want to install the APK file on your PC or Android device, you can double-click the file or tap on it to launch the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. You may need to grant some permissions to the app or game before you can use it.
Method 3: Using Google Chrome Extension
The third method to download APK files from Google Play to PC is by using a Google Chrome extension called APK Downloader for Google Play Store. This is a handy tool that lets you download APK files directly from the Google Play Store website without leaving your browser. You can also choose the version and architecture of the app or game you want to download.
How to download and install the extension on your Chrome browser
To use this extension, you will need to download and install it on your Chrome browser first. Here are the steps:
Go to on your Chrome browser.
Click Add to Chrome. It's a blue button in the upper-right side of the page.
Click Add extension when prompted. This will add the extension to your browser and show its icon in the upper-right corner.
How to use the extension to download APK files from Google Play
Once you have installed the extension on your browser, you can use it to download APK files from Google Play using these steps:
Go to on your Chrome browser.
Search for the app or game you want to download in the Search bar at the top of the page. Once you find it, click its name to open its details page.
Click the extension icon in the upper-right corner of your browser. It's a green circle with a white arrow inside.
Select the version and architecture of the app or game you want to download from the drop-down menus. You can also see the size and date of each version.
Click Download. It's a green button at the bottom of the pop-up window. Your app or game will begin downloading as an APK file onto your PC.
Save and install the APK file on your PC or Android device as explained in Method 2.
In this article, we have shown you three methods to download APK files from Google Play to PC. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best. However, before you download any APK file from Google Play, make sure you are aware of some tips and warnings:
Downloading APK files from Google Play may violate its terms of service, so do it at your own risk.
Downloading APK files from Google Play may expose you to malware, viruses, or other security threats, so make sure you have a reliable antivirus program on your PC or Android device.
Downloading APK files from Google Play may not guarantee that they will work properly on your PC or Android device, especially if they are not compatible with your hardware or software specifications.
Downloading APK files from Google Play may not give you access to all the features and updates of the app or game, especially if they require in-app purchases or online connectivity.
What are some benefits of downloading APK files from Google Play to PC?
Some of the benefits of downloading APK files from Google Play to PC are:
You can install apps or games that are not available in your region or device.
You can install apps or games that are not compatible with your device's operating system or hardware.
You can install apps or games that have been removed or banned from the Google Play Store.
You can install older or newer versions of apps or games that are not available on the Google Play Store.
You can backup or share your apps or games with others.
What are some risks of downloading APK files from Google Play to PC?
Some of the risks of downloading APK files from Google Play to PC are:
You may violate the Google Play Store's terms of service and risk losing your account or access to the store.
You may download malware, viruses, or other security threats that can harm your PC or Android device.
You may download fake, corrupted, or modified APK files that can damage your PC or Android device.
You may download apps or games that do not work properly on your PC or Android device, especially if they require in-app purchases or online connectivity.
You may miss out on the features and updates of the apps or games that are available on the Google Play Store.
How can I check if an APK file is safe to download?
There is no foolproof way to check if an APK file is safe to download, but you can take some precautions to reduce the risk. Here are some tips:
Download APK files only from trusted sources, such as official websites, reputable APK downloader websites, or verified Google Chrome extensions.
Download APK files only from apps or games that have good ratings, reviews, and downloads on the Google Play Store.
Download APK files only from apps or games that have been updated recently and match the version and architecture of your PC or Android device.
Scan the APK file with a reliable antivirus program before installing it on your PC or Android device.
How can I uninstall an APK file from my PC or Android device?
To uninstall an APK file from your PC or Android device, you can follow these steps:
Go to Settings > Apps on your PC or Android device.
Find and select the app or game you want to uninstall from the list of installed apps.
Click Uninstall. It's a red button in the upper-right side of the page. Confirm your choice by clicking OK.
Wait for the app or game to be uninstalled from your PC or Android device. You can also delete the APK file from your storage if you want to free up some space.
Can I download APK files from Google Play to PC without using any tools?
No, you cannot download APK files from Google Play to PC without using any tools. The Google Play Store does not provide a direct download link for any app or game, so you will need to use an Android emulator, an APK downloader website, a Google Chrome extension, or another tool to generate and download the APK file. However, you can use any tool that works for you and suits your needs and preferences best. 44f88ac181